How to View the Word Count Dialog Box and Exclude Textboxes, Footnotes, and Endnotes. To open the Word Count dialog box, select the word count in the status bar or press Ctrl + Shift + G on your keyboard. How to Remove Footnotes in Word. Footnotes in Word make it easy for a reader to find where your data came from, and citation formats like MLA or APA, require the use of them. Do They Count Towards the Word Limit? We're often asked whether to include footnotes and endnotes in the word count for an essay. Different universities have different rules about this, so you will have to check your style guide. However, you should never use footnotes or endnotes to try and cheat the word count. At UEA Law School we are told to include the footnotes, but not bibliography, the justification for doing so it would seem is that a bibliography is purely about citations, whereas footnotes can be and are used to provide commentary and expansion to the main text, thus if they weren't included people could include a considerable amount more for the same word count. Roger was sent a Word document that he needed to edit. The document had 90 footnotes in it, and he needed to delete footnote 23. Roger went into the document body, found the footnote marker for the appropriate footnote, and then deleted it. The footnote was actually deleted, but the remaining footnotes did not renumber.
Word Count Statistics for the whole document
When you type the text, Word for Microsoft 365 automatically counts the number of pages and words in yourarticle and displays them on the status bar at the bottom of the workspace:
You can view the number of pages, paragraphs, and lines in your document. As well as the number ofcharacters, either including or excluding spaces. Do one of the following:
- On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click the Word Count button:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+G.
In the Word Count dialog box:
The Word Count dialog box includes the Include Footnotes And Endnotes checkbox so you canchoose whether to include those elements in your word count.
Word Count Statistics for the selected text
How to View the Word Count Dialog Box and Exclude Textboxes, Footnotes, and Endnotes. To open the Word Count dialog box, select the word count in the status bar or press Ctrl + Shift + G on your keyboard. How to Remove Footnotes in Word. Footnotes in Word make it easy for a reader to find where your data came from, and citation formats like MLA or APA, require the use of them. Do They Count Towards the Word Limit? We're often asked whether to include footnotes and endnotes in the word count for an essay. Different universities have different rules about this, so you will have to check your style guide. However, you should never use footnotes or endnotes to try and cheat the word count. At UEA Law School we are told to include the footnotes, but not bibliography, the justification for doing so it would seem is that a bibliography is purely about citations, whereas footnotes can be and are used to provide commentary and expansion to the main text, thus if they weren't included people could include a considerable amount more for the same word count. Roger was sent a Word document that he needed to edit. The document had 90 footnotes in it, and he needed to delete footnote 23. Roger went into the document body, found the footnote marker for the appropriate footnote, and then deleted it. The footnote was actually deleted, but the remaining footnotes did not renumber.
Word Count Statistics for the whole document
When you type the text, Word for Microsoft 365 automatically counts the number of pages and words in yourarticle and displays them on the status bar at the bottom of the workspace:
You can view the number of pages, paragraphs, and lines in your document. As well as the number ofcharacters, either including or excluding spaces. Do one of the following:
- On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click the Word Count button:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+G.
In the Word Count dialog box:
The Word Count dialog box includes the Include Footnotes And Endnotes checkbox so you canchoose whether to include those elements in your word count.
Word Count Statistics for the selected text
For some reason, you can need to count statistics for the part of your document, for some paragraphs,pages, sections, etc.
Select the text in your document, for which you want to count words. It doesn't matter which block youselect, with or without images, tables, or other objects, Word shows the word count statistics for thisblock of text:
If you click the Word Count button or press Ctrl+Shift+G, Word displays theWord Count statistics for the selected text instead of the whole document:
See also this tip in French:Affichage des statistiques du nombre de mots.
Roger was sent a Word document that he needed to edit. The document had 90 footnotes in it, and he needed to delete footnote 23. Roger went into the document body, found the footnote marker for the appropriate footnote, and then deleted it. The footnote was actually deleted, but the remaining footnotes did not renumber. Roger wonders what could be causing this problem with the footnotes.
The answer could be quite simple, and related to using the Track Changes feature of Word. When many people edit documents, they do so with Track Changes turned on. In that case, deleting the footnote doesn't actually delete it, but simply marks it as deleted text. Word doesn't renumber the footnotes because the footnote is still there—albeit marked for deletion. When the changes are accepted or rejected, then Word will renumber the footnotes accordingly.
If you are doing your edits without Track Changes being turned on, then it is possible that your footnotes don't use automatic numbering. Meaning, whoever created the footnotes actually inserted the numbers within the Custom Mark field of the Footnote and Endnote dialog box. Display the dialog box again and you can figure out if this is the case.
It is also possible that the document has multiple sections in it and that each section (or at least the section containing footnote 24) has been configured so that footnotes for that section begin with a specific number. You can figure this out by putting the insertion point in the section containing footnote 24, displaying the Footnote and Endnote dialog box, clicking Options and examining how the numbering is configured in that dialog box.
How To Not Include Footnotes In Your Word Count For Word On Mac Os
Finally, if you've tried everything else and the numbering is still messed up, try to 'force' Word to examine the numbers it is using. Do this by following these steps:
How To Not Include Footnotes In Your Word Count For Word On Mac Shortcut
- Press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
- Click the More button, if it is available.
- Click the Use Wildcards radio button.
- With the insertion point in the Find What box, click Format and choose Style. Word displays the Find Style dialog box.
- Locate and click on the Footnote Reference style.
- Click OK to close the Find Style dialog box.
- In the Replace With box enter the following: ^&
- Click Replace All.
How To Not Include Footnotes In Your Word Count For Word On Mac Keyboard
The purpose of these steps is to try to remove any confusion that Word may be experiencing and cause it to renumber all the footnotes. If this approach doesn't work, try just a bit of a different approach:
How To Not Include Footnotes In Your Word Count For Word On Mac Download
- Press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
- Click the More button, if it is available.
- Make sure the Use Wildcards radio button is cleared.
- With the insertion point in the Find What box, click No Formatting and enter the following: ^f
- In the Replace With box enter the following: ^&
- Click Replace All.